Lip Therapy

Somedays I wake up without the motivation to wear at least a drop of makeup. No foundation, no lipstick, not even mascara can coerce me – and that’s saying a lot! There are moments, although rare, when I want a bare face—well almost a bare face. Because while on any given day I can forgo all and any makeup, my lips simply cannot do without a good lip balm and neither should yours.

In the everyday rush to put on our “face” we sometimes forget the basics. We become oblivious to the needs our lips have, such protecting them from the suns harmful rays or the need to keep them moisturized. So go ahead and dig out your most treasured lip balm and give it some love. Your lips will thank you.

P.S. And yes, you definitely want to pair your lip balm with a good SPF moisturizer in order to round out your bare faced look.

My Favorite Lip Balms

  1. Blistex Medicated Lip Conditioner, SPF 20 ($2.19)
  2. Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment Advanced Therapy ($26)
  3. Burt’s Bees Ultra Conditioning Lip Balm with Kokum Butter ($4)
  4. Jack Black Intense Therapy Lip Balm SPF 25 ($7.50)
  5. Fresh Sugar Lip Serum Advanced Therapy ($36)
  6. And don’t forget your kids lips…Boudreaux’s Baby Kisses ($2.99)